PCT fees in US dollars

The online fee payment amounts in Patent Center are set to the current fee schedule. The transmittal fee, international filing fee, international search fee or other fee amounts payable for a PCT international application may not equal the online fee payment amount. As a result, online fee payment in Patent Center is not available when the online fee amount is not equal to the fee amount that is desired to be paid. For alternative means of fee payment, see MPEP 502.05(I)(B)(7) or contact the PCT Helpdesk at (571) 272-4300.

DescriptionRegular* Small Entity# Micro EntityFee Code
(Fees associated with filing International Application under PCT)
Basic Portion$260$104$521601/2601/3601
Non-electronic filing fee portion for international applications filed on or after 15 November 2011 other than by the Office electronic filing system$400$200$2001690/2690/3690
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as International Searching Authority (ISA)$2180$872$4361602/2602/3602
Supplemental search fee, per additional invention (payable only upon invitation)$2180$872$4361604/2604/3604
European Patent Office (EPO) as the ISA$1989$1989$19891704
Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) as ISA$879$879$8791709
IP Australia (IPAU) as ISA$1407$1407$14071712
Israel Patent Office (ILPO) as ISA$1066$1066$10661715
Japan Patent Office (JPO) as ISA$1129$1129$11291716
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) as ISA$1633$1633$16331717
Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) as ISA$600$600$6001718
International filing fee (first 30 pages of the international application - filed electronically without ePCT or PCT-EASY .zip file)$1347$1347$13471701
International filing fee (first 30 pages of the international application - filed electronically with ePCT or PCT-EASY .zip file)$1238$1238$12381710
International filing fee (first 30 pages of the international application)$1457$1457$14571702
Supplemental fee for each additional page over 30$16$16$161703
Fee for transmitting IA to International Bureau as receiving Office under PCT Rule 19.4$260$104$521621/2621/3621
Fee for requesting to restore the right of priority within two months from the expiration of the priority period$2100$840$4201628/2628/3628
Late furnishing fee for providing a sequence listing in response to an invitation under PCT Rule 13ter$320$128$641627/2627/3627

(Fees associated with filing Demand for International Preliminary Examination)

Applicants are reminded that the preliminary examination fee and handling fee are due within one month from the date the demand is submitted or 22 months from the priority date, whichever expires later (PCT Rules 57.3 and 58.1)

DescriptionRegular* Small Entity# Micro EntityFee Code
(Fees associated with filing U. S. National Stage under 35 U.S.C. 371)
Basic national fee$320$128$641631/2631/3631
Examination fee
Where the written opinion prepared by ISA/US or international preliminary examination report prepared by IPEA/US indicates that all claims satisfy the provisions of PCT Article 33(1) - (4)$0$0$0N/A
All other situations$800$320$1601633/2633/3633
Search fee
Where the written opinion prepared by ISA/US or international preliminary examination report prepared by IPEA/US indicates that all claims satisfy the provisions of PCT Article 33(1) - (4)$0$0$0N/A
Search fee (37 CFR 1.445(a)(2)) paid to USPTO as the International Searching Authority$140$56$281641/2641/3641
International Search Report prepared by other than the US and provided to the USPTO or previously communicated to the US by the International Bureau$540$216$1081642/2642/3642
All other situations$700$280$1401632/2632/3632
For each independent claim in excess of 3$480$192$961614/2614/3614
For each claim in excess of 20$100$40$201615/2615/3615
For each application containing a multiple dependent claim$860$344$1721616/2616/3616
For every 50 sheets or fraction thereof of the specification and drawings that exceeds 100 sheets (excluding any sequence listing or computer program listing filed in an electronic medium)$420$168$841681/2681/3681
Surcharge for filing search fee, examination fee or oath or declaration after commencement of the national stage$160$64$321617/2617/3617
Processing fee for filing English translation after the time limit applicable under PCT Article 22 or 39(1) (30 months from the priority date)$140$56$281618/2618/3618
Fee for submission of Sequence Listing text file of 300 MB to 800 MB$1060$424$2121091/2091/3091
Fee for submission of Sequence Listing text file of more than 800 MB$10,500$4200$21001092/2092/3092
Fee for filing a petition to revive an international application abandoned unintentionally under 37 CFR 1.137(a)$2100$840$4201453/2453/3453

* The amounts are applicable in case of filing by a "small entity." "Small entity" status can be established by a simple written assertion of entitlement to "small entity" status, or by payment of the exact amount of the "small entity" basic national fee as set forth in 37 CFR 1.492(a) (see 37 CFR 1.27, paragraph US.14 and Annex US.VI)