Write short notes on drought prone area programme

Write short notes on drought-prone area programme and agro-climatic planning. How do these programmes help in the development of dryland agriculture in India?

Drought-Prone Area Programme :

This programme was initiated during the Fourth Five Year Plan with the objectives of providing employment to the people in drought-prone areas and creating productive assets to mitigate the effects of droughts. The emphasis was laid on integrated development of the area related irrigation project, land development programme, afforestation, grassland development and rural electrification etc.

Agro-Climatic Planning : The Planning Commission in India made the plans for the development of agriculture and allied sector. The mid-term appraisal of Seventh Plan underlined the efficiency of water planning and management in agriculture and a new policy of credit and seeds for alternative crops. It suggested that the agricultural potential of the regions be developed in accordance with their agro-climate conditions. In this regard the Planning Commission initiated a comprehensive and detailed regional plan for the development of agriculture called Agro-Climatic Planning.

This plan aimed at regionally balanced and faster growth of agricultural output and employment in the country. The objectives of the plan are :

(i) Preparing land development and water harnessing strategy for sustainable agricultural development.

(ii) Ensuring crop and non-crop based development.
(iii) Development of land and water harvesting infrastructure.

(iv) Raising institutional support, marketing, agro-processing and infra-structure support for the agro-climatic regions.

These programmes helped in the development of dryland agriculture in India.

Emphasis is given on the irrigation project in drought prone area programme and land development programme.

Integrated watershed development approach at micro level is adopted which will help in the storing of water for the irrigation during drought. Water can be used for irrigation.

In the same way the Agro-climatic planning is also helpful for the dryland agriculture. It will help in preparing land development and water harnessing. Water harnessing is done through public and private investments.